How it all started...
In January of 2020 while in Israel, we were visiting the Springs of Gideon. Though we were there with a group of people the Lord visited the two of us that day and spoke very clearly that He was calling us to plant a church. We were careful to not tell anyone of what the Lord had said. Over the next few weeks the Lord spoke to us in many ways regarding His plan.
As you know, the Covid pandemic shut the world down in March of 2020. Churches all over the world were shut down and pastors were scrambling to figure out how to reach people in this new culture. However, God was working and preparing to blow our minds. “Our plan” was to launch Easter of 2021, but God had other plans. The week that Covid shut everything down the Lord led us to a piece of property that was suppose to be auctioned of the next week. We knew we couldn’t afford it, but God. No one showed up at the auction. God moved in the deal and orchestrated it so we could purchase the 15 acres where Restoration Church is located for $699,000 through owner finance.
Over the next few months God provided so we could begin meeting. Chairs, sound equipment, $60,000 and many other resources. While churches were closed, God was prepared Restoration to open. On July 15, 2020 a group of 48 people gather to pray and seek the face of God for what he wanted to happen at 910 Old Fairground Rd. Over the next few weeks countless individuals worked many hours to prepare the building and property. On Aug. 2, 2020 69 individuals gather to worship for the very first time. Over the next six weeks of preview services we continued to grow as we prepared for our official launch. On September 13, 2020 269 individuals gathered to worship as we officially launched Restoration Church.
Restoration means, “to be made better than before.” That is the heart and vision for Restoration Church. We believe that God has put us here to see lives and families restored and healed but the blood and love of Jesus. Since that first official service we have seen souls saved, marriages and families restored, people healed and encouraged. God continues to blow our minds as He blesses what He called us to do.
As you know, the Covid pandemic shut the world down in March of 2020. Churches all over the world were shut down and pastors were scrambling to figure out how to reach people in this new culture. However, God was working and preparing to blow our minds. “Our plan” was to launch Easter of 2021, but God had other plans. The week that Covid shut everything down the Lord led us to a piece of property that was suppose to be auctioned of the next week. We knew we couldn’t afford it, but God. No one showed up at the auction. God moved in the deal and orchestrated it so we could purchase the 15 acres where Restoration Church is located for $699,000 through owner finance.
Over the next few months God provided so we could begin meeting. Chairs, sound equipment, $60,000 and many other resources. While churches were closed, God was prepared Restoration to open. On July 15, 2020 a group of 48 people gather to pray and seek the face of God for what he wanted to happen at 910 Old Fairground Rd. Over the next few weeks countless individuals worked many hours to prepare the building and property. On Aug. 2, 2020 69 individuals gather to worship for the very first time. Over the next six weeks of preview services we continued to grow as we prepared for our official launch. On September 13, 2020 269 individuals gathered to worship as we officially launched Restoration Church.
Restoration means, “to be made better than before.” That is the heart and vision for Restoration Church. We believe that God has put us here to see lives and families restored and healed but the blood and love of Jesus. Since that first official service we have seen souls saved, marriages and families restored, people healed and encouraged. God continues to blow our minds as He blesses what He called us to do.

Expanding the vision...
In early 2022, just 18 months after officially launching, God once again showed us His favor by connecting us with a bank that would finance our property. This was significant because banks do not finance churches that are less than 3-5 years old. Once again God blew our minds and confirmed that He had His hand on Restoration Church.
In June of 2022 we officially opened the Restoration Church Food Pantry. Every week we see the favor of god through the food that comes in allowing us to reach families in need. Each month, hundreds of families are ministered to and encouraged through this ministry. We stand amazed at God’s favor and provision over this ministry.
God continues to pour out His favor on this ministry. Our vision for the future is great. Our people are committed. Our leadership is focused. We are excited about what God has called us to do. Each week we are seeing souls saved, lives and families restored, peopled healed and more.
In addition to our in house worshippers, we have a number of online views that call Restoration their church. Recently, God opened up the door for us to expand into radio ministry. Currently over 1.3 million people hear our weekly broadcast in over 108 nations. To God be the Glory!
In June of 2022 we officially opened the Restoration Church Food Pantry. Every week we see the favor of god through the food that comes in allowing us to reach families in need. Each month, hundreds of families are ministered to and encouraged through this ministry. We stand amazed at God’s favor and provision over this ministry.
God continues to pour out His favor on this ministry. Our vision for the future is great. Our people are committed. Our leadership is focused. We are excited about what God has called us to do. Each week we are seeing souls saved, lives and families restored, peopled healed and more.
In addition to our in house worshippers, we have a number of online views that call Restoration their church. Recently, God opened up the door for us to expand into radio ministry. Currently over 1.3 million people hear our weekly broadcast in over 108 nations. To God be the Glory!
Where we are headed...
Statistics show that 90% of independent church plants do not survive beyond year five. We know God has His hand on this ministry and is making provision for the vision. The vision is great and we are excited about where God is leading us. We are believing for great harvest and that we will not only see the revival of these last days, but we will be a strategic part of fulfilling it.
In the days, months and years to come we are believing that:
In the days, months and years to come we are believing that:
- We will continue to see miracles, signs and wonders manifest in our services, on our grounds and within the ministries we lead. We desire to see a true move of God that go beyond the emotions of the moment and change lives for eternity and prepares our hearts for the move of God we are believing for.
- God will continue to expand our influence in reaching “the least of these” through our food pantry and outreach ministry. This is the first phase of our outreach ministry that will eventually expand into relief efforts wotj the goal of sharing the gospel with “whosoever will hear.”
- God will continue to raise up laborers for the kingdom. Our heart is to raise up, develop, disciple and release kingdom leaders who will not just go with the status quo, but will lead with the heart of Jesus and with kingdom vision.

- God will expand our influence in other nations where the gospel needs to be heard. We will soon begin planting churches in Latin America.
- God will make provision for us to continue to develop the 15 acre campus He has given us to steward. He has given us big vision to continue to grow. This includes a new sanctuary as He sees fit, an outdoor worship area that will also serve the purpose of building community and several retreat cabin to serve those on the frontline of ministry.
Thank you for taking the time to check out our website. If you are looking for a church home we would love to have you join the Restoration Church family. We are humbled that God allows us to lead this ministry and live life with the people He leads here. It is a great honor to serve the people of Restoration and we would love the opportunity to serve your family.
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” (Number 6:24-26)
Pastors Josh and Natalie Brown
Lead Pastors
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” (Number 6:24-26)
Pastors Josh and Natalie Brown
Lead Pastors
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30am