Jesus, More Than a Man (Jesus, The Lord)
March 3rd, 2024
Main Text: ROMANS 10:9, REVELATION 19:16, 1 CORINTHIANS 8:6, 1 CORINTHIANS12:3, MATTHEW 18:22,Because Adam and Eve disobeyed their Creator, every human being was born a slave to sinRomans 6:17But, God...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Jesus, More Than a Man (Jesus, The Christ)
February 25th, 2024
Main Text: Matthew 1:18-25“Christ” is not Jesus’ last name. “Christ” comes from the Greek word Christos, meaning“anointed one” or “chosen one.”This is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word Mashiach,...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Jesus, More Than a Man (Jesus, The Savior)
February 18th, 2024
Main Text: Philippians 2:6-7, 9-11, Matthew 1:18-25, 1 John 4:14- “He washed Judas feet.” - Yes He did, but Judas also still went to hell.Jesus was murdered. Why? Because people hated what He taught.O...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
God of the Turnaround (Unexpected Turn Around From Unexpected Places)
January 28th, 2024
Main Text: 2 KING 7:3-19BACKGROUNDSamaria was the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel.It was condemned by the prophet because of the rich culture and the pagan worshipthroughout the city.The fir...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
God of the Turnaround (Demons Ruling to Demons Running)
January 7th, 2024
Main Text: Leviticus 14:33-53 Acts 19:18-20 Psalm 3 Ephesians 6:12Fighting against principalities. The Greek word for principalities is archas. This word is used todescribe things in a series, such as...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Unto Us (Prince of Peace)
December 31st, 2023
Main Text: Isaiah 9:6Hosea 10:12In Sept when the Hebrew calendar transitioned to 5784 it began a year of open doors.Doors often times represent transition.I don’t know art what, but it seems that the ...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Unto Us (Everlasting God)
December 24th, 2023
Main Text: Isaiah 9:6Luke 2The Father is not the Son.The Father is not the Holy Spirit.But, The Father is God.The Son is not the Father.The Son is not the Holy Spirit.But, The Son is God.The Holy Spir...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Unto Us (Mighty God)
December 17th, 2023
Main Text: Isaiah 9:6Jeremiah 32:18John 1:1-8Romans 1Knowing that He is mighty without seeing that He is mighty.The numeric value of the four names mentioned in this verse from Isaiah—“WonderfulCounse...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Unto Us (Counselor)
December 10th, 2023
Main Text: Isaiah 9:6-7John 14:15-16PARAKLETOS - COUNSELOR - HELPER, ADVOCATE, Summoned, called to one'sside, esp. called to one's aid.One who pleads another's cause before a judge, a pleader, counsel...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Unto Us (Wonderful)
December 3rd, 2023
Main Text: Isaiah 9:6Isaiah 7:10-14Ahaz was king of Judah. The Arameans were plotting with Israel to overthrow him and put their own king in place.Isaiah comes to meet with Ahaz. Ahaz is upset that he...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Spirit of Free Masonry
November 5th, 2023
Main Text: 2 Thess. 2:1-4Galatians 1:8-10“I’m not concerned as to whether God is on my side, what concerns me, is am I on God’s side. For God isalways right.” - Abraham Lincoln“My people perish for la...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Lesson from the Life of David (God Still Uses Messed Up People)
August 13th, 2023
Background -- David kills Goliath- Jonathan and David became friends - The people celebrate David’s victory - Saul hates David- Saul tries to kill David- David takes Michal as a wife- David continues ...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
First Things First
June 10th, 2023
What does your daily life consist of?Is your life made up of so many little, unimportant things or is your life centered around the big important things with all the little stuff falling in behind it?...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Fullness Pt1
May 21st, 2023
Acts 1:1-8Jesus had been taken up and now was showing Himself to several hundred witnesses including His disciples.v. 5 – they were saved and they had been water baptized. Now, Jesus is telling them a...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Psalms 23
April 23rd, 2023
To set out food was a gesture of hospitalityGen. 18:1-8 Ex. 2:18-20To do so in front of someone (especially an enemy) would publicly establish the relationship that exists between host (in this case G...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Enter His Gates (Prison Gate)
April 2nd, 2023
Nehemiah 12:39 The Prison Gate was located to the right of the Sheep Gate and to the left of the Inspection Gate.It was where the two processions stood still and gave thanks before entering the temple...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Enter His Gates (Horse Gate)
March 26th, 2023
The Horse Gate was the main gate of coming and going for Jerusalem’s fighting forces.It was strategically situated near the king’s palace, allowing the army to rapidly receive orders in times of emerg...  Read More
by Elisha Calo
Enter His Gates (Fountain
March 19th, 2023
As with the Dung Gate these gates remind us of our need for spiritual purity and the need for Holy Spirit to have complete and total control.“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the...  Read More
by Elisha Calo