Fullness Pt1

Fullness Pt1


Acts 1:1-8
Jesus had been taken up and now was showing Himself to several hundred witnesses including His disciples.
v. 5 – they were saved and they had been water baptized. Now, Jesus is telling them about a different baptism.
This baptism was going to be with power and fire.
v.8 – power – dunamis – means more than strength and ability. The baptism in the Holy Spirit will bring the personal power of the Holy Spirit into the life of the believer.
The Greek word is the same word that we get the word “dynamite” from. “Dynamite – a class of powerful explosives, something exceptionally exciting or wonderful, to blow up.
When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive an explosive blowing up type of power to be a witness and to do what Jesus did.
Dynamite blows stuff up which often causes a fire. What does fire do?
Fire purifies, cleanses, makes righteous. It consumes everything that is not worthy to stand.
The baptism in the Holy Spirit brings boldness and a supernatural power into the life of a believer in order to accomplish something great and mighty in the name of Jesus Christ and to make your witness more effective.

This is not a personal force just to keep inside of yourself. It is a manifestation of what the Holy Spirit is doing inside of you.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Speaks – Acts 10:19 Hears – John 16:13
Acts – John 16:14 Grieves – Ephesians 4:30
What does the Holy Spirit do?
  1. Empowers.
  2. Equips.
  3. Enables.
What is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?
Acts 1:14-5
What are the signs that someone as received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?
Speaking in tongues.
What people do.
Fruits of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23
How do we receive it?
Believe God promises it then receive it. Acts 2:39

He comes in an atmosphere of praise. Acts 2:1, 10:46
Gifts only Spirit filled Christians can receive. 1 Corinthians 12
Some of the results of this baptism in the Holy Spirit are:
  • -  A prophetic word and praise.
  • -  Enhanced sensitivity to sin that grieves the Holy Spirit.
  • -  A greater seeking after righteousness which conforms us to Christ.
  • -  A deeper awareness of the judgment of God against all ungodliness.
  • -  A life that totally glorifies Jesus Christ.
  • -  New Visions.
  • -  Manifestation of spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • -  A greater desire to pray, fast, and intercede.
  • -  A deeper love and understanding of the Word of God.
    We need the fire of Pentecost!!
    “Set yourself on fire and people will come from miles to watch you
    burn!!” - Spurgeon
    Are we on fire?
    All it takes is a S.P.A.R.K.
S - SUBMISSION – humbles yourself under the authority of God’s Word daily.
P - PRAYER – pray daily, fasting.
A - APPROACHING – seek God’s face. Worship, Praise, Word, Prayer.
R - REPENTANCE – turn from our sin. Get rid of sin,
K - KNEELING – worshipping our God, who is a consuming fire!!

Reestablish the first priority of Pentecost (1:4-5)
Redefine the fundamental purpose of Pentecost (1:6-7)
Reacquire the fire power of Pentecost (1:8)

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