Seven Mountains of Influence (Religion)
Impacting the Seven Mountains
Introduction and Religion
Text: Matthew 6:10
Background: where this sermon series was birthed.
I heard the Lord say that it was time for the church to arise and be the church.
We have worried about having church and not being church.
I believe we, the church, have been commissioned to impact the world (SOCIETY AND CULTURE) around us.
Let’s look at the difference between society and culture.
The word society is defined as “the community of people living in a particular country or region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations.”
A society is a group or groups of people bound together by the dictates of living in the same geographical region, area, or territory.
Culture is defined as “the customs, institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or group.” So cultures exist within societies.
We must make room for and respect the culture of each group in our society.
Culture would be considered nations as defined in the Bible.
Matthew 28:19 says,
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
We are told in I Timothy 3:15 that the church is the pillar and ground of truth in society.
“But if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”
How do we transform or reform a culture that is high pace, busy and always going somewhere?
Lets look at Daniel.
When Nebuchadnezzar invaded and destroyed Israel and then carried away thousands of Jews back to his land, Babylon was a very heathen society.
They were idol worshipers. They knew nothing or at least very little of the God of the Jews.
Through the influence of Daniel and Shadarach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged the God of Daniel and the Jews and even appears to have begun to worship and honor Him. It seems that Nebuchadnezzar went from a king who made idols to one who acknowledged and worshiped Jehovah, as his God.
Scripture describes how Nebuchadnezzar demanded that the image of gold that he had created be worshiped with no exceptions.
Daniel 3:4-6 tells us that whoever would not worship that which the king had erected would be destroyed and killed.
The Lord also dealt severely with Nebuchadnezzar when he refused to humble himself.
Because of his arrogance and pride, God allowed his mental capabilities to leave him for a season and then allowed them to return. After this, it appears that Nebuchadnezzar turned himself wholly to the Lord.
Daniel 4:36-37
Jeremiah had exhorted the people prophetically not to approach their stay in Babylon with a temporary mindset, but to really put their feet down and have a reformer’s effect.
Jeremiah 29:4-7 tells us that the people of God were to infiltrate the society of Babylon and make it their land.
If we are going to see our society reformed and turn it into a demonstration of the kingdom of God on earth, we must lose a temporal mindset and just sit around waiting to go to heaven.
We are never told to focus on leaving earth, but rather to take the kingdom of God and change the earth into the splendor of Jesus Himself.
His awesomeness and glory of who He is demands this to happen.
We are to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth (see Genesis 1:28).
It isn’t that we need more human beings on the planet—it is that we need the right kind of human beings on the planet who share the agenda of God, which is His rule of the earth.
64 percent of my grandfather’s generation were truly born-again believers.
35 percent who were really born again.
My generation is now down to 16 percent who really love God and serve Him.
We are being told that unless something happens, my children’s generation will be at only 4 percent of those who really know the Lord and serve Him.
If these statistics are true, we are in trouble.
We must have a reformation and not just revival hit our society and nation.
Dutch Sheets says, an “awakening in our day and reformation in our lifetime.”
Mark 16 - personal invitation or mandate to His disciples and us to go preach.
Matthew 28 - mandate to go make disciples. if we are to disciple nations, then wouldn’t that mean that nations are coming to Christ.
We will never legislate morality. The republicans can be in charge for the next hundred years, but if the church doesn’t rise up we will continue to be an oppressed nation.
We can pass legislation all we want, but all we will have is a religious state. A Christian version of the Taliban ruling in Afghanistan.
Our founding fathers sought religious freedom, not religious state.
That means that you and I will have a right to serve God and do everything we can to make Him known.
reference: back to school bash at McGee’s Middle.
We must stand - Genesis 18:32 shows the Lord willing to spare this place if there were ten righteous.
We are told there were 65,000 people that live in that area. God was looking for 10 that would stand in the gap as a House of Prayer.
Understanding governmental authority in the spirit realm.
Background: where this sermon series was birthed.
I heard the Lord say that it was time for the church to arise and be the church.
We have worried about having church and not being church.
I believe we, the church, have been commissioned to impact the world (SOCIETY AND CULTURE) around us.
Let’s look at the difference between society and culture.
The word society is defined as “the community of people living in a particular country or region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations.”
A society is a group or groups of people bound together by the dictates of living in the same geographical region, area, or territory.
Culture is defined as “the customs, institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or group.” So cultures exist within societies.
We must make room for and respect the culture of each group in our society.
Culture would be considered nations as defined in the Bible.
Matthew 28:19 says,
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
We are told in I Timothy 3:15 that the church is the pillar and ground of truth in society.
“But if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”
How do we transform or reform a culture that is high pace, busy and always going somewhere?
Lets look at Daniel.
When Nebuchadnezzar invaded and destroyed Israel and then carried away thousands of Jews back to his land, Babylon was a very heathen society.
They were idol worshipers. They knew nothing or at least very little of the God of the Jews.
Through the influence of Daniel and Shadarach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged the God of Daniel and the Jews and even appears to have begun to worship and honor Him. It seems that Nebuchadnezzar went from a king who made idols to one who acknowledged and worshiped Jehovah, as his God.
Scripture describes how Nebuchadnezzar demanded that the image of gold that he had created be worshiped with no exceptions.
Daniel 3:4-6 tells us that whoever would not worship that which the king had erected would be destroyed and killed.
The Lord also dealt severely with Nebuchadnezzar when he refused to humble himself.
Because of his arrogance and pride, God allowed his mental capabilities to leave him for a season and then allowed them to return. After this, it appears that Nebuchadnezzar turned himself wholly to the Lord.
Daniel 4:36-37
Jeremiah had exhorted the people prophetically not to approach their stay in Babylon with a temporary mindset, but to really put their feet down and have a reformer’s effect.
Jeremiah 29:4-7 tells us that the people of God were to infiltrate the society of Babylon and make it their land.
If we are going to see our society reformed and turn it into a demonstration of the kingdom of God on earth, we must lose a temporal mindset and just sit around waiting to go to heaven.
We are never told to focus on leaving earth, but rather to take the kingdom of God and change the earth into the splendor of Jesus Himself.
His awesomeness and glory of who He is demands this to happen.
We are to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth (see Genesis 1:28).
It isn’t that we need more human beings on the planet—it is that we need the right kind of human beings on the planet who share the agenda of God, which is His rule of the earth.
64 percent of my grandfather’s generation were truly born-again believers.
35 percent who were really born again.
My generation is now down to 16 percent who really love God and serve Him.
We are being told that unless something happens, my children’s generation will be at only 4 percent of those who really know the Lord and serve Him.
If these statistics are true, we are in trouble.
We must have a reformation and not just revival hit our society and nation.
Dutch Sheets says, an “awakening in our day and reformation in our lifetime.”
Mark 16 - personal invitation or mandate to His disciples and us to go preach.
Matthew 28 - mandate to go make disciples. if we are to disciple nations, then wouldn’t that mean that nations are coming to Christ.
We will never legislate morality. The republicans can be in charge for the next hundred years, but if the church doesn’t rise up we will continue to be an oppressed nation.
We can pass legislation all we want, but all we will have is a religious state. A Christian version of the Taliban ruling in Afghanistan.
Our founding fathers sought religious freedom, not religious state.
That means that you and I will have a right to serve God and do everything we can to make Him known.
reference: back to school bash at McGee’s Middle.
We must stand - Genesis 18:32 shows the Lord willing to spare this place if there were ten righteous.
We are told there were 65,000 people that live in that area. God was looking for 10 that would stand in the gap as a House of Prayer.
Understanding governmental authority in the spirit realm.
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