Spirit of Free Masonry
Exposing the Enemy
Main Text: 2 Thess. 2:1-4
Galatians 1:8-10
“I’m not concerned as to whether God is on my side, what concerns me, is am I on God’s side. For God is
always right.” - Abraham Lincoln
“My people perish for lack of knowledge……” - Hosea 4:6
Most people are initiated into Freemasonry without enough knowledge of what they are joining.
Let’s first look at the historic roots…..
Some Masonic authorities claim a link from the builders of King Solomon’s temple, or even to Adam, but
there is no credible evidence of either. When we cut through all the myths we find that early Masons
were builders and stonecutters for the great temple and cathedrals of Europe during the Middle Ages.
Deists -
Deism is the forerunner of today’s Unitarians. They believe that God created the universe and then
abandoned it to mankind to make the best of what we could. William T. Still writes in “New World
Order- The Ancient Plans of Secret Societies on p. 28, “For Deism, man needs no God, and, in fact,
through reason and sacred initiated knowledge, or illumination, Deist believe that man can become as God.”
Freemason sweep through the church in is 80s and 90s
Secret Fraternal Order - oldest and largest secret society with an estimated 3 million members worldwide
with 1 million in the United States.
Several branches such as the Shriners. You have to be a Freemason to be a Shriners.
They meet in lodges. They are over seen by Grand Lodge.
An applicant is required to be an adult male and believe in the existence of a supreme being and
immortality of the soul. One Grand Lodge noted that, “Freemasonry unites men of good character who
through the background of religion, ethnic, or social background share a belief in fatherhood of God and
brotherhood of man.”
Very little about it. People have been told by those in their family that are Freemasons that if they knew
what the family member did they would have to kill them.
Many people that are possessed or oppressed find that those demons have their root in freemasonry.
The freemasonry experience is divided into 3 ceremonial stages called degrees. The three degrees are
loosely based on the journeyman system which was used to educate medieval craftsmen, fellow craft and
master craftsman. The degree symbolically represent the 3 stages of human development: youth
manhood and age.
The NAMB of the Southern Baptist Church condemned freemasonry in 2002 and as far back as 1993.
- It is a religion. Freemasonry does not hold conflict with any other religion unless that religion declares
that no one outside of its portals can be saved. That Christianity!!
- Freemasonry promotes idol worship.
- Freemasonry promotes universalism.
- Freemasonry promotes good works salvations. You can save yourself.
- The secrecy practice is destructive.
- Freemasonry promotes an oath. You must take an oath to join.
- Matthew 5:33 - “do not take an oath.”
- Jubulan is the God. They believe it translates to god.
- They omit the name of Jesus Christ. (Some in smaller towns may include it to appease the men
The Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. There are ties of the Illuminati to
Freemasonry. Politically speaking the Illuminati tendencies were republican; religiously it is anti-
George Washington who was a Master of the Grand Lodge of Maryland said that, “The United States was
and is, the Great Masonic Experiment.”
Other prominent Freemasons - Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George
Bush father and son. 17 presidents have been masons.
- Robert Mills who designed and built the Washington Monument.
- Frederic Bartholdi who sculpted the Statue of Liberty.
- Jospeh Smith Jr. who founded the Mormon church.
It is interesting to note the Freemasonry use of symbols in their allegorical exploration of truth. We've
already seen the use of the square and the compass in the masonic emblem. These are used to express two
of the three "Great Lights" in Freemasonry.
A Wiccan Freemason, Robert Fisher, describes it like this:
“The Square means morality, honesty and fair dealing, whilst the Compasses are Freemasonry's most
prominent symbol of truth and loyalty. The Compass, which is used to draw circles, can also be seen as
representing the realm of the spiritual while the square, the symbol of earth and the realm of the
material. Together, the compass and square represent the convergence of matter and spirit, and the
convergence of earthly and spiritual responsibilities.”
Thus, Freemasonry symbols are used to illustrate the link between the material and the spiritual.
Before proceeding, one revealing quote by Mr. Fisher says:
“I can only say that as someone who was initiated as a Freemason first and as a Wiccan second I can
honestly say that the Wiccan training and initiation opened my eyes to the magical potential that
Freemasonry has and I think it so sad that in the mainFreemasons are concerned with the externals of
rite or organization rather than deeper content.
”The “G” the middle of the symbol is first told that it stands for geometry. Later it is told that it references
Deity or god. But what God? Whichever one you want it to be.
Woman could join the Order of the Eastern Star.
They kiss the Bible. Tom McKenney says in his book that when you kiss the Bible you are kissing Jesus
goodbye at the altar of Baal. They have you do that while you are blindfolded.
In a “well ordered Lodge” the name of Jesus is not allowed to be spoken. Speaking His name is offensive. Can’t mention any scriptures that say the name of Jesus.
If you are a Christian who has become tangled in Freemasonry, I suggest that you confess your
involvement in Freemasonry as sin, resign from your Lodge, and renounce your involvement.
Scripture is clear that you are not to remain in such a state of dualistic allegiance.
2 Corinthians 6:14–17 gives godly advice in this area:
“Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with
lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or
what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For
you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will
be their God, and they shall be My people." Therefore "Come out from among them and be separate,"
says the Lord. "Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.”
Galatians 1:8-10
“I’m not concerned as to whether God is on my side, what concerns me, is am I on God’s side. For God is
always right.” - Abraham Lincoln
“My people perish for lack of knowledge……” - Hosea 4:6
Most people are initiated into Freemasonry without enough knowledge of what they are joining.
Let’s first look at the historic roots…..
Some Masonic authorities claim a link from the builders of King Solomon’s temple, or even to Adam, but
there is no credible evidence of either. When we cut through all the myths we find that early Masons
were builders and stonecutters for the great temple and cathedrals of Europe during the Middle Ages.
Deists -
Deism is the forerunner of today’s Unitarians. They believe that God created the universe and then
abandoned it to mankind to make the best of what we could. William T. Still writes in “New World
Order- The Ancient Plans of Secret Societies on p. 28, “For Deism, man needs no God, and, in fact,
through reason and sacred initiated knowledge, or illumination, Deist believe that man can become as God.”
Freemason sweep through the church in is 80s and 90s
Secret Fraternal Order - oldest and largest secret society with an estimated 3 million members worldwide
with 1 million in the United States.
Several branches such as the Shriners. You have to be a Freemason to be a Shriners.
They meet in lodges. They are over seen by Grand Lodge.
An applicant is required to be an adult male and believe in the existence of a supreme being and
immortality of the soul. One Grand Lodge noted that, “Freemasonry unites men of good character who
through the background of religion, ethnic, or social background share a belief in fatherhood of God and
brotherhood of man.”
Very little about it. People have been told by those in their family that are Freemasons that if they knew
what the family member did they would have to kill them.
Many people that are possessed or oppressed find that those demons have their root in freemasonry.
The freemasonry experience is divided into 3 ceremonial stages called degrees. The three degrees are
loosely based on the journeyman system which was used to educate medieval craftsmen, fellow craft and
master craftsman. The degree symbolically represent the 3 stages of human development: youth
manhood and age.
The NAMB of the Southern Baptist Church condemned freemasonry in 2002 and as far back as 1993.
- It is a religion. Freemasonry does not hold conflict with any other religion unless that religion declares
that no one outside of its portals can be saved. That Christianity!!
- Freemasonry promotes idol worship.
- Freemasonry promotes universalism.
- Freemasonry promotes good works salvations. You can save yourself.
- The secrecy practice is destructive.
- Freemasonry promotes an oath. You must take an oath to join.
- Matthew 5:33 - “do not take an oath.”
- Jubulan is the God. They believe it translates to god.
- They omit the name of Jesus Christ. (Some in smaller towns may include it to appease the men
The Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. There are ties of the Illuminati to
Freemasonry. Politically speaking the Illuminati tendencies were republican; religiously it is anti-
George Washington who was a Master of the Grand Lodge of Maryland said that, “The United States was
and is, the Great Masonic Experiment.”
Other prominent Freemasons - Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George
Bush father and son. 17 presidents have been masons.
- Robert Mills who designed and built the Washington Monument.
- Frederic Bartholdi who sculpted the Statue of Liberty.
- Jospeh Smith Jr. who founded the Mormon church.
It is interesting to note the Freemasonry use of symbols in their allegorical exploration of truth. We've
already seen the use of the square and the compass in the masonic emblem. These are used to express two
of the three "Great Lights" in Freemasonry.
A Wiccan Freemason, Robert Fisher, describes it like this:
“The Square means morality, honesty and fair dealing, whilst the Compasses are Freemasonry's most
prominent symbol of truth and loyalty. The Compass, which is used to draw circles, can also be seen as
representing the realm of the spiritual while the square, the symbol of earth and the realm of the
material. Together, the compass and square represent the convergence of matter and spirit, and the
convergence of earthly and spiritual responsibilities.”
Thus, Freemasonry symbols are used to illustrate the link between the material and the spiritual.
Before proceeding, one revealing quote by Mr. Fisher says:
“I can only say that as someone who was initiated as a Freemason first and as a Wiccan second I can
honestly say that the Wiccan training and initiation opened my eyes to the magical potential that
Freemasonry has and I think it so sad that in the mainFreemasons are concerned with the externals of
rite or organization rather than deeper content.
”The “G” the middle of the symbol is first told that it stands for geometry. Later it is told that it references
Deity or god. But what God? Whichever one you want it to be.
Woman could join the Order of the Eastern Star.
They kiss the Bible. Tom McKenney says in his book that when you kiss the Bible you are kissing Jesus
goodbye at the altar of Baal. They have you do that while you are blindfolded.
In a “well ordered Lodge” the name of Jesus is not allowed to be spoken. Speaking His name is offensive. Can’t mention any scriptures that say the name of Jesus.
If you are a Christian who has become tangled in Freemasonry, I suggest that you confess your
involvement in Freemasonry as sin, resign from your Lodge, and renounce your involvement.
Scripture is clear that you are not to remain in such a state of dualistic allegiance.
2 Corinthians 6:14–17 gives godly advice in this area:
“Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with
lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or
what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For
you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will
be their God, and they shall be My people." Therefore "Come out from among them and be separate,"
says the Lord. "Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.”
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